The Sacred within the Canvas

Every pebble,


Birds of a feather,

Two-legged upright…

All are sacred.





Or sweet potato pie…

All are sacred.


Within the sacred stone,

Or flesh of another…

Remains medicine for the soul.


Within the sacred sky,

Or waters of the sea…

Remains medicine for the soul.


One roof,

One house,

One family…

All sharing a sacred Canvas.





Breaking bread…

One roof, One House, One family…all sharing a Sacred Canvas.~Ani Po


Dreams Colliding within the Canvas

Sitting quietly, witnessing songs and dreams colliding within the canvas.~Ani Po
Our realities remain our own and others the same. Collaborating or colliding, realities intertwining…to create a masterpiece of sorts. Resisting or embracing realities, we define our own…on a grandeur level. Deeper understanding of songs, the dreams of self and those around us…we paint a beautiful storyline to call our own…