
Sitting, gathering pieces…

Scattered throughout the Canvas of Life.

What was broken and lost,

Sheds new mystery upon hearts of mystic.

A thousand scattered pieces,

Broken, variable in size.

Unable to think…

No thoughts of past or future.


In present moment of All There Is.

Oh to the stars blinking assurance,

Grandmother whom holds us close to her bosom.

Shadows, broken…

Blinded by old paradigms.

Sitting, gathering…

Medicinal winds of change.

Accepting, letting go…

Expanding into unknown.

What was unclear,

Clarity comes to be.

What was clear,

No longer a reality.

What was broken,

A Universal knowing of All There Is.

Broken or unbroken,

We Are Just…Ani Po


Surfs Up

Going with the flow…riding the waves…Ani Po

We paddle out  to meet our first wave

Only to be dumped into a sea of despair.

With hope we begin paddling to great the next,

Only to be slammed into an ocean of fear.

Determined and glimmer we set out again,

Attentive, breathing, steady…allowing…we ascend.


Down we go.

Broken and thoughts of giving up,

The wind gathers our strength lifting us to new heights.

No thoughts, no emotions just pure determination,

We catch the ultimate wave.

What a rush, we are going with the flow…

Down we go.

Go again…we ride into shore.

Go again…down we go.

Like the roller coaster there are waves to be ridden and there are waves to learn from. We can ignore them, accept them or merely learn from them. Our on the horizon another wave awaits, what do we do? Stand on the shores or go out to great it?


Surfs Up!