Still Remains Yours

From concrete jungles to wild natural settings, it remains yours.

Dancing, singing, laughing, playing…it shall remain yours.

Joy, Peace and Love…still remains yours.

Dance with me, sing with me…flow through me.

From earth to furthest of galaxies…it all remains yours.

Ani Po

Everything Exists in Our Minds

Everything exists because of a made up reality.~Ani Po

We could sit and ponder this topic or we could arguably deny or accept it. All things came from a source of reality, whether small or large scale…all things came from somewhere. Where did they come from?

The planets exist because someone observed them. The trees and air we breathe exist only because we are taught to believe in them. Similarly…all structures, dogmas, governing bodies…they all exist because someone had the vision to make them so.

So what about our days? Are they real? Sure they are. How we see them is yet another doorway to our own interpretation of reality. What is real today…may very well be different tomorrow. Today we fight passionately for a cause…only to give up or lose faith in the cause.  So then what? What and/or how do we dream a new reality?

Just Be. Just allow. Just Love the dreamer within and dreams that follow. Mirror the inner self outward into the world, creating a brighter or dimmer place…depending on other varying realities and beliefs.

Or…give up worrying what others believe, approval of others, and what their reality is for that place in time. For time and space are merely dreams of a reality…whether we choose to play along…that is another idea who’s idea may come to or not at all.