Born Again

Born again to this new day.-Ani Po

Whether the morning to afternoon of our lives, closing to a new beginning of the day, we have an opportunity to see with new perspective. Seeing things as real and taking at face value or tweaking reality to something serving our higher desires.

Giving thanks for yet another day, greeting the sun as it rises to a new day. We give thanks. Forgiving those around us, wrongs we have done and sending love back in return.

Stepping into the Canvas with love and gratitude in our hearts. Whatever the world gives birth to in our days, give thanks for an opportunity to love whatever presents itself. Whether fear, anger or lack…we give thanks for sadness, shedding light on a dismal day. Breathing in ‘All there Is’…returning Love to the universe…

This is Our Love, This is Our Home

Starting at level of self…sending Love.

Expanding this love…feeling this love.

Encompassing our home, our business of the days and the steps throughout the same.

Expanding this love…feeling this love.

Enlarging our dwelling place into community and thereon.

This is our love, our home…expanding this love, feeling this love…Ani Po