The Path Of Love

The path of love shall never lead us astray.~Ani Po

Maybe this is not true?! Maybe Love can lead us astray, but where does it lead us? To a place of joy and peace?

Stepping into the Canvas choosing a path of Love. For in these footsteps there’s peace and love, thoughts and words aligned in every step. Consciously or unconsciously we shall step in love, walk in love…allowing our path to rejoice in every footstep…

Choose that of Love

Of all the places we could go, go to a place of Love.~Ani Po

We could focus on choices, giving it deep thought. Instead choose that of love. So much wisdom in the universe, so many telling us what to do…how do we know what path to lead? Follow the heart.

Our true nature is that of love…anything else takes us from this path. Stay on course, stay on task…allow heart to lead in all encounters.