Time Keeps on Slipping
Into the future
Holding pattern continues — unsteady footing while butt-sores inflate — a noble whisper’s little voice entered tune.
One cannot fly with the eagles while hanging out with turkeys. ~ Duane
Patiently, the heartbeat waits — to sing valiantly the echoes of canyon song — anticipation mounting whilst the waiting place gets darker as days go by.
Promised zoom calls falling flat — no answer to declaring finite — hence, we wait and write to tell another tale. Spoken words — transcribed into spacious thought — coming to life as promised by eagle’s glare.
Neighboring neighbor slumbers the day away — whilst flight anticipated awaits — no time to lose, no time wait. Off and away — soaring higher than yesterday — I want to fly like an eagle — Steve Miller calling, let my spirit carry me.
Tick-tocking beats — goes the waiting place sanded grains — excitement is mounting with feathers fanning out for northern skies. Cold is the blistery calling — Superior’s bone-chilling charade — packing everything from flip-flops to triple-down goose feathers.
Chapter’s closing song — interlude of this inner space — vocal cords readied for the new song’s sizzling melody. Answered call — great pause at hand — soon enough — doing what we love.
~ Ani Po
This past week, I spent more time with licensing agencies and health departments on hold. Today, I waited for a Zoom call to review all my paperwork for starting my next chapter. While on hold, I wrote this piece. Edited while waiting to Zoom.
Thank you James G Brennan for the nudge, a welcomed one at that. Much gratitude for the Literary Impulse, Somsubhra Banerjee, Priyanka Srivastava, Rahul S, et el.
Tagging a few who might want to share their words Sally A Mortemore, Michelle Scorziello, A. N. Tipton, David Rudder, J.D. Harms. Many more favorite writers I could choose.
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