In Between Songs
Anticipating coming fields
In between songs
with anticipation of coming fields,
step-up — into the earthly plain,
exciting and reciting fervor and joy.
Heart cracked open,
like an oozing volcano
waiting to erupt.
Calmly returning
to a translated speech
from cosmos
vibrational existence
as it should be.
The story of mo and maybe fo,
birthing from an acorns nut
buzzing bees
pollinating seed.
Tuning in ‘e’ or was it ‘g?’
upside-down music,
transcribed for another time,
not yet played
in this chaotic world.
Favorite libation
raising glass high
singing out loud
casting shadows abaft
Mofo bros. holding a thematic dream.
Time for morning sun
answered tune
deeper the dig
excavating songs
ancient healing
Go about the day to day
executing songs
certitude functionality
servile and obsequious
familiar to the all in all.
Favorite libation
raising glass high
singing out loud
casting shadows abaft
Mofo bros. holding a thematic dream.
~Ani Po
Inspired by a recent request to write a song for the MoFo Bros., my mind spins words and songs from the collective whole. Expanding reach, further than comfort zone, I call to the spirits of all there is — asking for healing songs to flow freely through.
With loop pedal pressed, Fritz and the Tantrums playing Spaceman snappy tune, allowing words to enter the page.
Thank you Literary Impulse for hosting these words, Priyanka Srivastava, Somsubhra Banerjee, Nachi Keta, Elisabeth Khan and all of the editing staff for considering this heart-felt lyrical song translated into words.
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