Singing Song of Declaration

Singing Songs of Declaration

Embodying the storylines of all encountering souls

Photo by Jan Baborák on Unsplash

I called to the winds, asking, “What shall I write about? Shall I tell a story? Poetic or merely prose?”As the candle was lit, an alarm above me sounded.

Yet again, I shall walk into the darkness, bringing light to a darkened area.

Lighting a sacred flame — opening my heart’s pathway to inner knowing — passing through the pain and doubt, left unattended as I gathered stones from my daily walks. Pilgrim’s passerby’s — like leaving chemical trails on my soul — infusing their doubted knowing with my own.

Whose thoughts are these? Mine or neighboring souls? Matters not — as I dive into the suffering trails of existing thoughts. Wounds are exposing flesh — raw, vulnerable, questioning everything in site, acknowledging and accepting all voices of despair as my own.

With Tara’s Healing Incense burning — fleeting thoughts embracing a greater knowing of All There Is, welcoming all thoughts as my own.

Healing begins with knowing — existing beliefs and illusory thoughts transpiring aberration into a new normal, as the parables and allegories present — leaving others to challenge or discard these new frequencies — energetic realities short-circuiting the normally scheduled programming.


Over time — infused thought unknown becoming known — I witness a shift in those no longer waiting for the second coming. It is here — the now — assuredly Stepping Into The Canvas — uncertainty and aberration embodied truths unfolding.

I plead with the suffering — make it stop! But the pain continues.

Accepting the pain-bodies message clear — learning the songs of ancient healing true — integrating past, present and future tense messages. Deep, from the valleys of death — throat-singing begins — infused with a bi-tonal sound not yet heard on this physical plain.

From the depths of the underworld’s lost souls — capturing the hearts of angelic songs — our story of generational, collective healing cries is told. Left for interpretation — on the page of another’s heart — I smile in great delight, for this is why I am here.

From I to we — as in third person form* — embodying the storylines of all encountering souls. Singing songs of declaration — Ani Po — Oljita is I, and we are the All — I am healed*.

~Ani Po

Photo by Duncan Sanchez on Unsplash

Labeling this as fiction, but “it happened to me,” believe it or not embodying message left for interpretation, with a twist of poetic prose. Entering a healing space, filled with darkness, leaving me drained and in need of recharge for three days time.

When asked why do I go there, I reply “because not many are willing to enter the underworlds of reality and I am honored to go to the depths — bringing light to our darkest areas of thought.

*From I to we, with asterisk in place, depicting self as a greater body of being. Oljita is a name of the person I become, when entering other realms of reality. Oljita and I, fused as one, declaring Ani Po for all to be.

Infinite gratitude Marilyn Glover and the whole Third Eye Gypsy family, for holding this sacred space.

New prompt category and writing contest:

Tagging a few storytellers who always raise the bar of thought. I do hope Frank Ontario | empathy, logic, love., Anthi Psomiadou and Ravyne Hawke care to join in.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Caught Between Two Worlds

Caught Between Two Worlds

Narrow road between flesh and spirit

Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

With so many groups telling us which Way to go or how to live a peaceful life, it is easy to get confused or second-guess our belief systems. One group preaches theirs is the Way, while another wages war on the next because theirs is the Way. Anyone preaching other than Love is surely not The Way.

In each and everyone one of us, there is a void waiting to be filled.

Filling this void with Love, all other teachings fall short of what matters most…Love one another as you want to be Loved. With that, we visit our good friend Oljita, who learns firsthand that there are many pathways to Paradise. While many have valuable lessons along the Way, it is not the easiest path. The easiest to choose is often thought unrealistic.

Oljita Is visited by another messenger while driving to work…

Oljita notes a black cat on the opposite side of the median. As it scampers across the road, it stops at the boulevard and disappears briefly. Cautiously slowing down, watching other cars drive by where the cat was last seen.

Thinking he is in the clear, Oljita accelerates, but the cat appears. Dashing to the other side of the road, the cat stops just in front of his truck. When their eyes locked, Oljita found himself Shifting into another realm…Oljita shifts to his past.

He lands on the Pilgrim’s path. Very familiar to Oljita, he knows this path leads to Paradise through various trials and tribulations. Learning that a positive mind leads to positive thoughts leads to positive words and actions…ultimately leading to a positive being in Paradise. While a happy ending, this path leads our Pilgrim down a bumpy, windy road.

He has then shifted ahead in time to the path of Warrior. While the Pilgrim’s path leads to that of the Warrior, it is a bumpy transition. The Warrior’s path is not followed like the Pilgrim’s but merely accepted. The lesson: The Warrior’s path can be attained merely by accepting a path of Love.

Two paths, same outcome. One is long and windy, while the other is short and narrow. The short and narrow path is the thin line between both worlds: flesh and Spirit.

Oljita returned to his truck and immediately looked for the Black Cat…only to have vanished. Where did this messenger go?

While the messenger briefly appeared, the message became apparent: we needn’t do anything to enter Paradise. While one path leads down a bumpy, windy road, the other promises a short, narrow path. While there is a heavenly paradise beyond this realm, we can live in Paradise on Earth. Hell is not a destination but a state of mind. Same as for Heaven.
Change our ideas about this place we call Earth…and see Paradise.

Stepping into the Canvas, walking a Narrow path between flesh and Spirit. While the path is Narrow, the road is vast. In the vastness, we find our Way…we are balanced. The Way carries Love in our Hearts, and we instinctively walk in Spirit. To be In Spirit is to be inspired. To be inspired is to be inspiring. This is The Way.

~ Ani Po

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash