Learning to Laugh

In world of deadlines, expectations, and increased responsibilities, we find it more difficult to find humor in our daily lives. This is the story for many, not for all, daily routines with added stress. This past week the teacher became the student.

Often times the universe will throw signs our way, in hopes of us taking the time to lighten up. Learning this first hand, I realize I too can fall victim to added stress of daily living. With added stress at work, my responsibilities increasing, and the needs of my children being first priority, the universe sends an opportunity to identify  things weighing me down.

“Why so serious?”~The Joker

Not until something so innocent happened, my reflections caused an internal restructuring to take place. My personal inventory became clear when a close friend reminded me for three days straight, “life is a playground and we are to play whenever possible.” I will admit that at first I ignored the signs, as most humans do, until  a recent post brought the attention to my actions.

With a recent post to another friend, who needed prayers sent for immediate healing in his life, the humor fund itself back into my life. Instead of posting “sending healing thoughts your way,” my auto fill replaced ‘thoughts’ with ‘tights.’ Nothing like sending some “healing tights your way.” The humor became evident with other responses, “I’ll take control top,” “everyone needs a good pair of tights, please send me a pair,” or my favorite “I am going to a class reunion this weekend and need a good pair of suck me ups immediately.” I hope that all found humor in it and humor found its way into their busy days, relaxing them but for a moment.

“Sometimes the best medicine is learning to laugh at oneself.”

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with work? Life? Do you ever feel hopeless and not sure of what to do? What I found worked was sending an accidental message that can take on a whole other meaning, bringing humor to your day and theirs. Dare to be spontaneous!

It is crucial in our busy days to find time to laugh. Life is truly too short to do anything other and in my everyday work I am reminded of this. Being a Radiation Therapist, I witness many opportunities of growth in this department. Everyday someone is dying, but it doesn’t have to be us. We can choose to live or we can choose to fall victim to our daily lives.

“Fall nine times, get up ten.”~ Japanese Proverb

Stepping into the Canvas today, find time to laugh. With father time keeping track of our numbered days we may not see tomorrow.  Would we rather finish our last day on a low note or would we rather finish it on a high? Try a little laughter today…it is just what the Doctor ordered…