The Parable Of The Lonely Shepherd

It is often difficult to stay a course of The Way, without getting side-tracked or pushed down another path. The key to staying the course, is through mindfulness. When we practice awareness of who we are or our greatest desires, we tend to remain focused on that which we most desire. But what about the suffering around us? How do we pretend everything is ‘hunky-dory?’

While the pilgrim remains lost, seeking The Way, the Warrior is found practicing The Way.~Ani Po

It is typically a small few who will rise above suffering and despair. Subscribing to a destructive way of life no longer serves them well and they begin to see life as beautiful as it can be. While the suffering remains, focus shifts towards happiness.

Suffering will always exist, but affix not our gaze upon it.~Ani Po

It is often written that we are to “brush the dirt off our sandals,” moving on our way. This does not suggest we pretend it does not exist or smug those in need. Not at all! We are to help when possible, but when others are set in their ways, unwilling to listen to our suggestions of change, then we must free ourselves by ‘wiping our sandals clean.’ This next story is about a man who knows this all too well.

Ani Po has a good friend who is a Pastor for an inner city church and makes it his life passion to aid those who are lost. A day does not pass, when he tells Ani Po of another funeral, “buried another young man this past week.” I recall him asking, “How am I supposed to continue helping people, when I can’t help them?” Reminding him of the simple teachings “we cannot save anyone, but we can show them the water of life. We can show them to the well…but they must drink from it.”

He smiled, as if he already knew this, but it was helpful to be reminded. Just as he needed reminding, Ani Po is not impervious to reminding. Have you ever been there? Have you ever needed a good reminding, when the message needed shows up? We all have our moments when we trip, but how quickly we get up depends on our practice. When we practice mindfulness, we practice awareness of who we are and how we shall or want to react to a given situation.

But what of this lonely shepherd? Ani Po continues the conversation with her friend as she is reminded of the loneliness he must feel. As everyone else follows a given way, he attempts to shift their thinking to following The Way. Just as a shepherd tends to his flock, so to the Pastor from the city.

Ani Po knows the feeling of loneliness. As she assertively moves forward in The Way, she is ridiculed daily on how she chooses to live her life. She smiles regularly at the others, as she sees how that way is working out for them, but chooses a way of happiness.

Even under great scrutiny the good shepherd tends to the one lost sheep. He may even, if necessary, leave the rest of the herd unattended to attend to the one lost sheep. Ani Po knows this is how it is supposed to be and we are all to attend our flock, with willingness to abandon others to secure safety of the one lonely sheep.

This Pastor is a lonely shepherd. He goes into darkened regions, when everyone else has given up. He Lights a flame of Hope for those who have lost their faith. He does not follow a rule book, but he follows his heart. He does not Love one person and not the other…He Loves freely for All people, randomly sending Agape into the world…knowing that he was never really alone.

Stepping into the Canvas as a Lonely Shepherd…Often doing what is right when not accepted by the masses…even when they are going left, you go right. Our character is defined by our willingness to do what is right, not for any one person but ourselves. When we stop worrying about approval from others, we accept our own approval.


Authentic Me

It is time to shed the false-self and accept the true-self. In this clip we touch upon the idea of attracting more of what we want in our lives, guided by Michael Beckwith, Esther Hicks and Rhonda Byrne. When we are authentic we are connected with source energy or we are connected with God. Abraham was the first to know about this Law and spoke these words, “As a man thinketh, so is he.”


We are surrounded with so many distractions in our lives, further pulling us away from the intimate relationship with our Father of all Fathers, Source energy, God, Universe or as Jesus spoke of…The Way. He spoke of being the light and The Way.  There is no word for this Source of Sources, but we choose to refer to it as God. What if God was The Way? What if the ancient Chinese knew of this technology hence writing about it in the Tao de Ching (Lao Tzu)? What if Jesus studied under the Far East and mastered The Way?

Whatever the case, we still are left with a choice of who we are. We can choose to be stuck in an abusive relationship or we can choose to change our circumstance: either by leaving or changing the way we see our given circumstance. If there is physical or mental abuse, chances are the risks outweigh the results and it may be necessary to leave the given relationship.

We can choose to live in poverty thinking or we can choose prosperity thinking. Poverty thinking believes that everyone is against them, everyone owes them something or that they will never amount to anything, continuously coveting another person’s  life. Prosperity thinking is that of self-actualized and are free to create the life appropriately, having no regrets in their lives.

So what do we do? How do we get there? See it as if we’re already there and that abundance is already on its way.  First, we must have Acceptance of who we are. We need to see ourselves as a spark of the divine. It is said that God does not make junk, then why would we think we were anything other than a masterpiece? Secondly we must have gratitude for whom we have become, accepting (more acceptance) all of the ups and downs leading to present time. Without pitfalls, we could not have become who we are today. Thirdly, we must learn to Love the person staring back in the mirror. Once we embrace this trifecta, we can learn to see the world as a better place. People write about this place, they sing about it and it is attainable by all.

The world is filed with many distractions, good and bad, focus on our lives only. Care not about the people around us, but only about the personal world being co-created. Learn to Love yourself from head to toe and learn to reflect out into the world. When we embrace ourselves, we are embracing the world around us. Further, we are embracing our Source and completing the intimate relationship religious traditions attempt to teach. This relationship cannot be taught, but instead accepted.

With self-love comes a realization we are not perfect and sinners by nature. Accepting ourselves for who we are, perfect or imperfect, allows us to accept others perfections or imperfections. Just because we are human does not mean we have to dwell in this belief. Instead accept it and move on, focusing only on the life we want to create and releasing the Shadow of its stronghold.

It is time to accept the True authentic self and reclaim who we were born to be. We were born for greatness and not poverty. See it, believe it and know it to be true.

May the first breath and last breath be that which you want most, leaving  self-defeating thoughts behind. You are truly a Masterpiece and deserve to be on display! Humbly go forth and prosper, never looking back.

Bottom line is this…we have the ability to change our lives through our thoughts. Whatever is sought, know that it is on its way. From this day forward, Stepping into the Canvas, I vow to be my authentic self and be…ME.