Beyond the Mirror

If I am you and you are me…
Then why do I feel the need to change you?
If your thoughts are my thoughts and my thoughts are your thoughts…
Then why do I try to persuade you?

Is it because I gaze upon the mirror
Disturbed and in disgust?
Seeing my own faults,
Projecting them unto you?
My own negativity
Disgusted only by yours?

Look past the mirror…
Beneath the surface.
Look past the negativity…
Only beauty remains.
Seen within you,
It shall be seen within me.

If my thoughts are your thoughts
And your thoughts are my thoughts…
Once I see past the flesh,
You will too.
Seeing the divine being
That I am,
I now see you as the same.
If I am you and you are me,
Then we are one in the same.
