Whether true or false, depends only on perception of thought.~Ani Po
Our whole world was created in a single thought. For thousands, millions or however long the world has been around, our world has been dividing and multiplying. With every single thought comes multiple thoughts, forever splitting…creating more thoughts or making it all up?!
In the beginning was the word and in the end was without form. From beginning to end, dust to dust, thought to thought. We come to a place of not knowing. In not knowing we understand all there is.
Stepping into the Canvas not knowing. In erasing all memories of what could, should or would be, we come to a place of now…forever centered in the heart of all things. With no thought or ‘no mind’, we accept things as they come and go. Choosing which to play along with and those to let go of. Whether truth or fiction…it is all a dream anyways…

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