No More No Mas Noogise

With cycles in our lives, it is pretty certain we question the days or events as such. We learn and we grow, coming to a place of “Now what?” hearing ancient wisdom…chop wood, carry water.

But what about when things do not go as planned or the world around us is falling apart. Whether those around us acting in accordance to their own trained beliefs or harboring negativity and spreading it wherever they go, we have the ability to stop it dead in its tracks.

A few years back, while meditating, I came up with a song about letting go. I cannot find that song anywhere, therefore I know it is not time for it to be shared. However the message was this…when we walk in spirit…no more, no mas noogise (no geese). Meaning we no longer have to listen to the nay sayers around, we simply choose to follow our path. Accepting our path, we are surely on our way.

This cycle returns to me as well. Not as often as once before but still surfaces from time to time. A place of knowing and tolerance for others, but no longer listening to the negativity that comes forth. It is my choice to paint a positive day and the colors are mine to choose as well.

Stepping into the Canvas stating no more, no mas, noogise. It is my choice to move forward, my choice to allow, my choice to just be. For on this day it is my intent to move forward in joy and laughter, brushing away heavy burdens of the past or mending open wounds…it is my choice….Ani Po
