Intrigued by the many differences we share as humans, let’s explore the similarities of my Brothers and Sisters. We wear different clothing, we have different skin, we have different sexual preferences and we have varying religious beliefs. While on the surface we seem to be different, beneath the many layers we are the same.
While at first glance we seem different , I assure you we are not. We all think that we are superior than the next, but I assure you we are not. We all think that our faith is the One, but I assure you we are not. It is not until we put down the weapons of our religions, that we shall come together as One. Watch our children just for a day…do they fight over their biological father? Then why should we as adults, fight over our Heavenly Father.
As a father, it would break my heart to see my flesh and blood fighting over me. Now amplify this…how would Our Father like it if we continued to fight? I am certain it would break His Heart.
This morning, I connected with a good friend. She taught me something very special…when we put down our beliefs for one moment, we accept each other as One. When we meet at the Level of Love, all labels dissolved. After our conversation, I wrote this poem…I hope you enjoy it…
Today breakfast,
With a Muslim.
We did not point fingers,
We did not hate.
All we spoke,
Was pure Love.
Yesterday Breakfast,
With a Jew.
We did not point fingers,
We did not hate.
All we spoke,
Was pure Love.
Another Breakfast,
With a Christian.
We did not point fingers,
We did not hate.
All we spoke,
Was pure Love.
With a Buddhist.
We did not point fingers,
We did not hate.
In vastness,
We did nothing.
Hope to have breakfast,
With a Hindu.
We shall not point fingers,
we shall not hate.
All that shall be spoken,
Pure Love.
Tomorrow Breakfast,
With Love.
I am full now,
Need nothing else to eat.
When we come together in Love, there is no need for explanation of where we have been, no explanation of beliefs, and no explanation of where we are going. Return to our Churches, our Temples or our Mosques in the name of Love, only to have this message reflect out once again.
Stepping into the Canvas as One, dropping swords of anger and spears of hate. Coming together in Love, sweet embracing Love…no longer living in fear of darkness, for Light shall be ours once more. Removing the labels of our flesh, we are left with our naked souls.
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