Some Of Our Darkest Hours Bring Brightest Days


In our darkest moments, we find our brightest Days…

Hawk guiding;

Spirit at her side.

To right death;

The Left New Life.

Crossing a bridge;

Into life eternal.

To the left sits new life;

The right symbolic of death.


Crossing the bridge,

Upon her arrival…spirit calls…right on time!

Sitting, pondering once again;

Johnny Cash I walk the line.

Bridging the gap between both worlds;

One foot in each reality.

Left foot Spirit, right foot physicality.

It is wide open here,

It is a thin line.

Stepping into the Canvas walking a thin line. In a world of sadness, we find gladness. It is possible to be in this world but not of it, similarly in that world but not of it. Detachment from all there is, we open ourselves to true potentiality of what could be. Being present in all there is, we find ourselves a part of the greater whole. Be in this world, but in the next…enjoy the physical and the non-physical. Wishing you a day filled with Love…Ani Po

Happy Mother’s Day

This is a day of worldly gratitude. Gratitude for mother’s of all walks of life. Without them, we would not be here. They give selflessly day in and day out, often forgetting to pamper themselves. This is your day to take a break, a break from all that you do. Take a day to recharge…for we know not what tomorrow brings.

Happy Mother’s day

Mommy…thank you for all that you do.

You pick me up when I cry out;

‘Kiss it’ to make it better;

Wipe me when I cannot;

Give of your sleeve for me to wipe my nose;

Answer to the bell that I ring;

And for secretly making Daddy smile when you have nothing left to give.


You are an amazing mommy;

Wish I knew where you kept your cape.

I saw a cartoon of this;

So I know it to be true.

You are a super hero;

And I call you my own.


Thank you mommy for all you do;

Thank you mommy’s around the world.

Today I am the luckiest boy in the world;

Would not be here if not for you.


Stepping into the Canvas with gratitude in our hearts. Gratitude for all the mommy’s of this world and Mother Earth, whom gave birth to us all. If not for the selfless daily acts of mommy’s, the world would stop spinning and there would be no Canvas to frolic in. Thank you for all you do, thank you for completing our day…Happy Mother’s Day!