Greeting the Pain and Joy Alike

Dual poetic prompt

Greeting the Pain and Joy Alike

When fear presents an obstructed view

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

What began manic — worlds crumbling around us — not yet discovered self and inner-galaxies of truth — translated to the physical, transmuted — transforming all realities in an ALL as one. Delusional by the many standards, we carry on down a lonely road of discovery.

Prompted not by the singular spark of passion or the owl’s calling to the moon — but the Three Sisters ancient wisdom of youth carrying tunes — dissolving the tightening grip of vice-like pain in thoracic bodies. Let us sit with this pain and suffering for a minute, inhaling the whole of life’s living breath — observing the melting of our physical knowing — day-old bread no longer nourishes the soul.

Reformatting our senses — pixelated matrices crumbling — regrouping figments of imaginary vibrational tunes — filling our heart space maximizing medicines calling of healing cellular leveled attributes from the collective gathering of sacred songs. Ticker tape parade ballooning –lifting off mother’s bosom — upward galactic calling — outer atmospheric pressures of day to day — till big bang are spraying pure love into the ALL.

Pure vibrational song, not yet translated by auricle — the heartfelt transference of everything before and what is to come — pausing to absorb the ALL in the ALL. We sing to our heart’s content, wrapping ourselves with arms of innocence once again.

Loop pedal activated, repeating songs of our soul — accepting all the broken wings piled higher than eyes can see — past to present — future openings to such not understood without first traveling the broken roads. We arrive at a place of pain and joy — dancing a sacred song for peace deep within the earth’s crusted exterior.

I leave you here to discover your own — reality and understanding of truth — full-on acceptance of the jagged edge leaving marks upon this human form — transforming yet again into waves of sans labeled vibrational healing song. We sing for all to hear — lips no longer having to move — creation speaks intentionally outwardly — paving a new path for future commutation — entering tranquil, we are whole.

~ Ani Po

Sitting in my sacred writing space, awaiting messages from an empty Canvas, I call to the Three Sisters while hitting the loop pedal to hold my center. Interrupted by a messenger, in the form of a twelve-year-old boy,

“Whatcha doing Joe?”

I am writing.

“Watcha writing about?”

Not sure yet, Do you have any ideas for me?

“Maybe you could write about mental health and how it affects the world?Then maybe you could add your stories of sitting with pain and joy as one?”

Great idea, thank you.

“Sounds like you have a great start, good luck.”

This morning, while awaiting message to come, this just after spending the night with pain and suffering, I called out to the void, “What shall we write today?” Snapchat from a twelve-year-old boy, serving as a messenger tying in the words with ancient wisdom. Now to hit the loop pedal of Three Sisters as we ride this cosmic wave.

I invite you to read this piece, but then play this song as you re-read. Would love to hear if any shifts result.

Thank you Christine Graves Ravyne Hawke and the whole Promptly Written team, for this weeks prompts. It may be a stretch of fusing two prompts into one, while attaching a collective vibrational song, but I hope you enjoy this piece.

Alas, please give these two authors a view, as I feel their pieces contributed to today’s piece. Thank you Camille Grady and Sally A Mortemore for sharing in this dance.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Respondent numbers to the very least of worries

Respondent numbers to the very least of worries

Rewarding self — karmic debt paid in full

Photo by Laura Baker on Unsplash

Into the darkest nights, bittersweet cacophony playing in the backdrop — leading out of sight, visually impaired as the masses collective vibratory thought teases — temptingly challenging self-belief in a greater whole. Remaining sure-footed on a path less traveled, then sings my soul — heartfelt chorus leading home, distant galaxies calling out our name, noticing a similar thread binding the all within the all.

With play-on-words –unscripted prompts from the cosmic appearance of the apathetic befalling heavenly divided tongue, further separating the sheep and wolves from the daily stories, falling prey to predator’s sharpened pen. Stepping into the Canvas — brush in hand, quill’s magical tones, laying the foundation with a single seed — grain of sand carrying memories of whole planetary involvement.

There is not a single clap for clap interaction, but true seekers’ binding name — written in the Great book privy to those purest hearts. Infinite gratitude for those arrivals — notebooks in hand, writing themselves worthy of timelessness and sacred volumes of inspiring words for the next of kin — reading another pilgrim’s journey of self-realization.

Oh, limitless words non-binding constraints — rebel yells the non-conforming literary terms and regulations, merely expressing the day-to-day, month-to-year — inviting others to follow intimate moments leading the way home. Non-attachment to shared realities is seen in only a way individually spelled out for those ready to receive.

Act, not doing, speaking only truth through our hands guided works within the Great Mystery of it all — stemming from a place not seen by mortals. Respondent numbers to the very least of worries — rewarding self — karmic debt paid in full, no longer attached to monetary value — the check is in the mail.

~Ani Po

The deeper we dive into self, the smaller our community of like-minded folk. Quality, not quantity of such, paving the way for deeper understanding of who we are within the greater whole. A shoutout to two writers who share for deeper purpose and understanding, not tempted by the typical reciprocation spoken of on this and other platforms. Marcus for sharing thoughts and inspiring words, drawing our attention to deeper insight.

Sharing Words for remaining true to the word itself.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash