Remaining Rooted: Sharing All there Is


To lack of understanding.

Often ignoring my presence,

Polluting the air.

Occasional piercing my flesh,

Removal of a limb.

Each year different,

But pretty much the same.

At dawn of each day,

Stretching to brother sun;

Resting peacefully,

Moonlit sister comforting as we sleep.

First thaw,

Buds spring forth.

Day in

Day out.

Rejoicing as feathers perch and sing,

Sharing my heartfelt song.

Bitter cold,

Rushes in.

Such great lesson,

Letting go.

Dropping all,

Accumulated over days and years.

Each day,

Each week,

Each Year,

Seasonal and cyclical as it was and will be.

Breathing in,

Taking in only essential.


Only Love-Filled breath amidst my distant families.

Whether noticed,

Or unseen.

I remain rooted as my father-mothers before me,

Sharing All there Is.

Ani Po

Integrating Realities

Stepping into the Canvas traveling back and forth from past to present, present to future…and back again. While some live in the past or dwell in the future, others remain in and ever-present space of past, present and future.

Living in the past can often times yield pain and suffering, a void of sorts or feelings of being ‘stuck’ in a world with no viable outcomes. Our reality exists within our minds, singularly and collectively. On an individual basis we believe our reality to be true through conditioned responses to a collective whole. Other realities infuse beliefs into the constructs of our reality…changing our perspective and often tainting images before us.

Remain in the past, allowing traumas to rule daily decisions, reactionary  thoughts, and even harmful knee jerk reactions. We continue handling situations in a fear-based mentality, whilst  ‘the Master of Coping’ dons his cloak of “everything is awesome.”

Remain there if you wish.

We look to the future, painting a new reality, through hope and desire. Bringing these realities back into our present moment, we feel a sense of peace and love with little understanding of how we missed this before. Clouded by thought…unable to see into our own future.

No longer clinging to old paradigms but accepting new possibilities. Fantasy or real, others challenging our every thought and belief. Delusional and ‘bat shit crazy’ is how we shall be perceived. Does it matter? Does it matter what others think?

Many will read the entire message here, yet fixate only on this last paragraph. This is not the point. There is a deeper desire within us all to find happiness. ‘But I am happy’ says the EGO, whilst belittling and abusing others in its wake.

Stepping back into our past, revisiting familial, ancestral and collective beliefs. Acknowledging these thoughts and bringing to forefront of reality…yet, only for a moment Witnessing them, simultaneously gazing to the future…integrating thoughts, fusing realities and choosing steps forward methodically and ever-conscious. With every Step into the Canvas…a knowing each step changes reality and the collective whole.

‘No thought’ or stuck in moments of fear, fear of moving forward into the future. Pausing for a moment, allowing the past to catch up…acknowledging and a deeper sense of joy and peace, we step into a moment in the future.

The past and present collide.

Individually, looking out into the Canvas with fresh new eyes, observing varying realities in a collective whole. In a single moment witnessing past while stepping into future.


As we come to a place of knowing past, present and future, daily changes dissipate with our practice of remaining in this moment of time. Seeing past, whilst remaining fluid and open to what the future holds, the others remain in old paradigms…challenging us to stay planted upon the mount of pain and suffering. Laughing now at the absurdities of everything.

*Seriously, I am laughing and crying in this moment in time at a collective belief with varying individual interpretations.

Today I choose to not see any realities as truth. Not mine, not theirs, not anyones. I remain open to truths as each day, each new reality unfolds. I choose to remain forever in Love with All there Is.


It is a new day…