Mirror in the Bathroom
Beyond the flesh, diving deeper into the soul
We look shallow in thought on the surface, witnessing only flesh tired and worn or vibrant and full of life, either way — seeing only flesh of our existence. Is there something more to this story? Is there someone more beneath the surface?
Many will argue between spiritual beings having human experience or vice versa — the human having a spiritual experience. What if it is both? What if it comes down to a personal understanding of self?
At the surface — merely flesh and bones, beneath that remain a mystery. The great mystery has many puzzling twists in our understanding of the world, self, and collective whole. Within the outer worlds, many miracles unexplained by modern science exist. Within our inner world, the same holds. The biggest question is not whether they do or do not exist, but rather if we notice the greatest mysteries of “all there is” — that mystery is our self-understanding of “all there is.”
There it is again — he’s referring to “All there is.” We are a part of a greater whole.
In the morning of our lives carrying out our days vicariously without giving detailed thoughts as to what our hearts call us to do — just vibrating in excitation, without giving any discernment to consequences. Living by the flesh we are, painfully mirroring realities set forth by our morning surmising thoughts. The morning of our lives — we are humans having spiritual moments, failing to see the greater whole of our beingness.
Carl Jung discusses the morning of our lives as a concept of adolescence, not fully grasping purpose as to why we are here. What if this point in our reflective lives is the zero point reality between living by the flesh and shifting into a more spiritual role? Shifting into the afternoon of our lives?
With deeper understanding of self and finding greater purpose, we transition into the afternoon of our lives with a more heartfelt approach to all things and all events in life. In the afternoon of our lives — we are spiritual beings having human experiences.
Shedding the skin of humanness, seeing we are, in fact, spiritual beings in the flesh — taking flight with phoenix rising into the afternoon of our lives. Why do I hear Peter Gabriel singing in the background? (Find out at 3:46) We choose to enter the afternoon without the baggage of morning thought or remain in false imprisonment of self-inflicted living death where we merely go through the motions of flesh, not fully grasping that we are so much more.
Entering the afternoon of our lives without the baggage of flesh-inflicted reality, we enter a world of a spiritual being having human experiences. Awakening to more than flesh and bones, we connect to something greater — accepting self as co-creator to this Canvas of Life.
The afternoon of our lives offers a deeper look into the mirrored reality of self, seeing a higher self, soul understanding of who we are and what we came here to do. Becoming purposeful beings, spirit-guided self-realizing individuals claiming their wholeness — oneness if you wish a different label. Synonymous are we — flesh and bones, spirit are thee.
From caterpillar to pupa, chrysalis cracking open with a butterfly emerging, embodying wholeness as an emerging butterfly — a phoenix rising. We must go through the humanness having spiritual experiences to spiritual beings having human experiences. It is part of our human experience. So which is it? Are we humans having spiritual experiences or spirits having human experiences? The answer is yes, We Are.
Coming to a place of knowing, we see that our whole life was this cosmic dance between human and spirit — dancing on in an ever-expanding reality of “All there Is.” The mirrored reality has always existed, like the story of the two wolves, which one leads remains dependent on which wolf you feed. Meaning, how we see the world remains dependent on how we see the world: through eyes of flesh, small and finite; through eyes of spirit, grandiose and infinite possibilities waiting for self-discovery.
Mirrored in Creator’s image are we, return to spirit consciousness — invitation well received.
To answer the question of what positive outcomes have come from my spiritual awakening — once I stepped into the light of day, I was no longer plagued by shadow of doubt or self-inflicting wounds. I broke a bone at least three times a year, from three years of age to thirty. Once I stepped into the light, no more broken bones. Coincidence? Maybe, but once you know — you know.
The mental anguish mirrored by physical pain — again, once I stepped into the light of day, no longer plagued by shadow of doubt or self-inflicting psychic attacks. This is my personal story and does not reflect anyone’s experience. These are not personal opinions but more of a reflection of my personal story. Mind you, the battle still goes on upstairs, but I choose only to feed the white wolf.
Mirror in the Bathroom
just wait and see
flesh to spirit dance cosmically
door is open, forward stepping if you be
the beginning remains the word
tete-a-tete of self-becoming flesh
returning spirit
life clarifying events transpiring
human in the likeness Creator
creative forces perpetual burning flame
co-creators are we
bound eternally.
~ Ani Po
Thank you Marcus for this Prompt, it really did have me spinning. Kept coming back to the mirror analogy of seeing self. How we witness ourselves is how we witness ourselves. Not sure we can put a label to whether one is or the other. Although, if pressured to answer fully — spiritual beings having human experiences all the way. Whether smaller brain, animus, or grandeur spiritual consciousness — we are both — reflective of our own understanding.
Please check out Marcus original prompt:
Thank you Diana C. and all of KTHT for collectively giving birth to these great prompts.
Here are some previous publications regarding our mirrored realities:
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