Taking a Wrong Turn

Photo by Fabian Quintero on Unsplash

Taking a Wrong Turn

New Opportunity Presents

It was late when Ken and Joe were on their way. After cheering on their favorite team, they embarked on a journey home. Taking the most direct route, familiar to both, relaxed as they traveled to whence they came.

Halfway into their journey, Joe became exceptionally relaxed, as he expected and expressed concern for driving home in the twilight on the night. With concern, orders were given and he followed “we will drive home, getting coffee first and it will be fine.”

“ok”, hesitantly agreeing.

An hour and a half into the drive, Ken noticed that Joe was asleep. Not just asleep, but was out for a good few minutes. Trying to arouse him, “So Joe, what do you think of the game?”

No Answer.

“Joe! How are you feeling?”

“Fine. Fine. Just stop talking about my mom.”

Unrelated to the question Joe realized he was talking in his sleep, to which he quickly exited for no apparent reason. Or did he?

They exited because Joe noticed traffic getting extra heavy and felt it was time to alter their route. Unable to get back onto their normal course, both agreed they would navigate the old fashioned way.

Collaboratively they discussed. “Ken we have a compass in the van. If we follow North by Northeast, we should get to a place where you are familiar with.”

Ken agreed. “Get us to South OBT (Orange Blossom Trail) and I can get us home.”


Five minutes into the wrong turn, they came upon a Seven-Eleven.

“Let’s stop here and see if there is a map in the phone book.” This being a time when there were still public payphones with phone books attached.

Joe gets out of the van to check the phone book. When approaching the phone book, Joe hears what sounds to be change falling from the payphone.

“Ken, did you hear that? Oh my gosh, the phone just spit out Three dollars and eighty-five cents!”

Strange things were happening to Joe as of late, so this was both mystery and normal for him, he returned to the van.

“Today is my lucky day!”

Both looking at each other in awe and mystery, they continued down the back road of ‘somewhere and who knows where.’

Five minutes into their not knowing where this road would take them, they are stopped by a construction worker. Granted, at 2 am construction doesn’t normally happen in the twilight of the night, they are perplexed by this encounter.

“You’ll have to wait here until we are clear to travel.”

Ken and Joe take note of this oddity and brightly lit horizon just around the bend.

“Go ahead.”

Clear to continue their drive, with a feeling straight out of the X-Files, they make a bend at the turn only to find nobody there. Completely dark, except for the headlights illuminating the road, both were left in daze and confusion.

“Where are the workers? Where did the construction crew go?”

Uncertain what was happening, they traveled another forty-five minutes to a familiar road where Ken took over navigating. They didn’t speak the rest of the way home.

Joe drops off Ken and continues home. Calling the Mrs. To see where the rest of the tail-gating party was.

“We are stuck on I-4. They are replacing a bridge and we are all parked on the highway, waiting for them to let us drive through.”

The caravan of cars, consisting of six vehicles filled with tired sports fans, was stuck in not knowing whether they would continue home. Meanwhile, Joe took a wrong turn making it home four hours ahead of them.

Still to this day, Joe wonders if it was a wrong turn, or meant to be. Knowing what he knows now, loss of consciousness, or checking out of what seems to be real, alternate routes present themselves. Trusting in these ‘wrong turns’ presents opportunities not normally available.

Joseph Lieungh

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Captain’s Log

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Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Captain’s Log

Passing of Another Story-line


Beginning with a story of cutting and rolling, painting of sorts, covering walls with new tint, singing and dancing nature’s song, youngest of clan enters the room. “Can I help?” Yes, of course, never turning down a helping hand.

Handing brush, ox hair priceless as it may be, not thinking of consequences, paint now covering bristles, metal and handled stick. What the heck happened? As quickly as the “I’m sorry” happened I was transported backward to working with my father. Scolded for not knowing proper care, a brush is still a brush, but his failure of not knowing, teaching example lacking the same.

Oh my dear, it is ok, merely making you aware. While only a brush, value to whatever given, it still needs our care. Spinning possibilities as to how events came to be, similarly worldly events, it could be this or that, failure on my part, lacking on theirs, blame game as watered down paint to thin, it just is.

Lesson learned dragon arrival for a nightly visit, cyclical return, swallowing own tail. Ouroborus infinitely returning, never-ending, ever-beginning, drenched in a message, collective past, backtrack discussion daughter explained.

Next day thoughts digressing, expanding awareness, consciousness exploratory assignment,’ It’ comes to be. Gods of Sea, Thunder, and Wind. Spirits of the Wind, Great Spirit, Oneness, contemplative collective, the visionary label of things, collaborating stories soothing souls, mere attempts to what ‘Is,’ deductive reasoning, becoming It Just Is.

Affectionately guiding us, becoming what may be, challenging all things as before, accepting what’s governing corners of the Earth. Transcending label of things, integrating and intertwining All Things in All Ways, no longer following rules of engagement, written laws of man, Stepping into The Canvas, becoming the Canvas itself, self-declaration I Am Here, stepping precisely as expected.

Respondents unable pressing journalist thoughts, obsessed with grass greener on another side of the moon, whereas color wheels losing mind. Stories passing day after day, ideating new chapters, unspoken words given new meaning to co-creating without lifting a finger once smashed by hammers weight.

Grabbing Author’s Quill, re-writing story-lines, generational twist, ancestral beings, traumatic events or guiding lights self-realized, traveling before the beginning of time, entering the void of All there Is, returning the sacred kiss, Universal response placed upon the lips.

Weeks end, sacred song, heart singing for all to Hear.

~ Ani Po

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Photo by Kelli McClintock on Unsplash

This piece is a reflection of the past week, prompted firstly this past week’s prompt of daily journal.

Consumed by recent project, unable to sit in sacred writing space. Thoughts kept coming, entering post-it recording devices, sticking to desk, emailing self, thoughts entering with nowhere to go but limbo for future reference.

As timing has it, the beginning of the week ties into the end, wrapping up with another prompt for weekends delight.

Monday was filled with a lesson of healing past, present and future generations, allowing my daughter and I to heal together and father’s ancestral lessons handed.

That night visited by dragon’s tail, as it often happens whenever a lesson is learned, swallowed whole once again as if completing another cycle. Healing past trauma, learned behaviors, deepening understanding of All there Is.

Bringing me to the existence of God’s and Goddesses, Spirits small and grand. Where do they come from? Merely labels created by man, unfathomed voice given hence? Saints and Sinners, Angelic presence at bay, just as the battlefield of the mind creates illusory story-lines self-inflicted or handed down, label of things we must, human we are after all.

Expansion of sorts, outer-body experience, traveling to the beginning of time, witnessing shape-shifted story-teller atop mountain range. valley’s gorge imploding song, Creation speaks through Heart’s tranquility. Journeyed for understanding, returning with All there Is.
From fear ridden past at beginning of week, to fearless freedom lighting up my world, humbled by the lessons learned, steps taken, hearts Song carrying tune.

Thank you All for reading and continued support.

Joseph Lieungh