Finding Our Purpose

Finding Our Purpose

Carrying sacred tune through life

Photo by Lenstravelier on Unsplash

Majority singing — spending the morning of our lives collecting, playing — falling into the trap of not knowing. In the simplest forms — forgetting who or what we are — creators of divine inspirational flow.

Heart singing to self — others — ignorance and tarry bliss — never accessing this sacred tune of life. Ever-present our sacred song — purposefully to heal the Canvas of Life — carrying a special tune — crooning with purpose.
A ninety-year-old opening up to background noise necessity.

Chaos found in the day-to-day — is drowned out by television — radio playing — loudly, so thoughts no longer exist. Absent watching — listening to muted thoughts — choosing to bury self into addicted vibrational tonal misunderstanding.

Unable to answer why the background noise — ninety-year-old fleeing conversation — wishing on vanishing questions. Speechless she was — persisting silence — uncomfortable being — invitation to turn off the tele.


The invitation remains — enter silence — allowing heeded thoughts to center stage. Carried tune unique to self — collectively dancing with inspirational vibrational frequency — tuning into something greater.


Entered words — severed lips — yes, I have a song — stuck on loop pedals continuous annoying call. Scared to sing along — reasons unbeknownst to her — choosing to ignore the sweetest of healing melodies.

In the presence of ancestral pull — traumatic memories — forty-five minutes churning with a blink of an eye. Humming commences — tears of joy breaking their seal — healing self and observer alike.

Is there a right time for tuning into the heart’s melody?
Sixteen — thirty — ninety — it is always the right time to share this sacred song of self. Literally — life’s great metaphor — allowing this sacred song of life to carry through.

Implanted in the heart — confused by the mind’s fear of unspoken truth — wrestling with self. Mirrored reality from self to worldly occupation — head to heart — the most difficult pathway to inner peace.

~ Ani Po

What is our purpose? There is no purpose but to flow through life as our heart speaks naturally. Being true to heart, conflict decays.

So what is your heart singing to you? What is it calling your attention but left on ignore? These words are an invitation to take steps towards purpose. Baby steps or giant leaps, clear pathways or perceived roadblocks. Go now — Step into the Canvas on purpose. You are the purpose; the song flowing through is your gift to the world — time to give it away.

Thank you Zay Pareltheon, Marilyn J Wolf, Viraji Ogodapola, and the whole Howling Owl community for keeping the flow of hooter’s quo.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Nothing More To Be Written

Nothing More to be Written

Into Voided Presence

Photo by Yong Chuan Tan on Unsplash

Life coming to a halt — three-year-old pleading with daddy — are you happy? Levy breaks — flooding plains of all existence — nowhere to turn but inward gaze — letting go — allowing the flow.

Seeker pursuing — answers to all things — stroking ego’s stronghold — protecting self falsely and relentlessly. End of the line — nowhere to turn but inward gaze — letting go — allowing the flow.

A million thoughts all at once — collective knowing — in your face and heels digging into the sand. Time running out — endless and incessant — nowhere to turn but inward gaze — letting go — allowing the flow.

Fighting on the streets — worldwide pandemic — self, ripping at the seams while collective misery tooting their horns. Present be are we — observing translation lost among peer to peer — nowhere to turn but inward gaze — letting go — allowing the flow.

Caught in the moment — losing our thoughts — dissociation from broken wings. Nothing more to be written — nowhere to turn but inward gaze — letting go — allowing the flow.

Into the voided thought — nothing and everything giving birth in a single breath — annihilation and construct colliding. Sitting atop a lonely star — breathing life into new galaxies — nowhere to turn but inward gaze — letting go — allowing the flow.

Nothing more to be written — all has been spoken before — speechless the return. Awestruck by nature’s embrace — nowhere to turn but inward gaze — letting go — allowing the flow.

~ Ani Po

Thank you Zay Pareltheon, Marilyn J Wolf, Viraji Ogodapola, Samantha Lazar, Wry Welwood, Paroma Sen, and the Scrittura family for sharing this dance.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash