I See You
The Light in me sees the Light in you
There we were jamming to the MoFo sound, tale-telling musical, lyrical, rhythmic vibrational pulling sound, in and out of reality, trying to grip our existence. Storytellers set the stage for inter-dimensional story-lines, songs of old, present dear to hearts true home, play-on-words or triggered scripts, tugging at one’s soul.
Whether understood, inner-standing seeking choice bearing truth-be-told frequency of collective thoughts transpiring, transmuting equally comparative vessel burning sun. Asking, searching, “can you see me now? — maybe we are the Damaged Ones?”
Turns to the storyteller, “How do we arrive at this place of knowing?”
Soon the seeker shall witness — it is not about Seeing or feeling the vibration, but about becoming the vibration itself. Fusing thoughts, actions, supremely stretched out onto the Canvas’ floor, begging for orchestrated collaborative being-ness forevermore and infinitely living breath begging for my own hand.
Unexplainable, unattainable traveling by doubt — there they are, falling short by the little mind picking apart every nook-and-cranny. Rejoice and sing, returning to the circle not seen by eyes, heard not with ears, felt not on the physical form, infused with time-birthing self into all there is to be.
~Ani Po
Thank you Diana C. for the gifts you share through thoughtful prompts and words of inspiration for others to choose their own self-guiding path towards truth. In response to Mondays prompt: Bringing the unresolved, unmet & disowned back to the light of my awareness.
It comes to me in the form of witnessing another. Through their own short-comings, triggered moments, questions and doubt, I see a mirrored image of an older self, once laden by a thousand lifetimes of burdens and traumatic experiences. Coming to a place of surrender — letting go of all thoughts, all misery, painful dust sprinkles everywhere, just letting go of everything, becoming all things with a mere strike of a sacred chord.
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