Deep Gratitude

Dancing with inspiration, we inspire and become inspired.~Ani Po

Deepest gratitude for those whom arrived and those who are on their way. For the likes and shares, comments and syncrosensationals…more thanks.

As we inspire we are inspired, love we are loved…share and the world shares in gratitude. For it is through self our world changes; through self our perception or reality forever altered.

May your day be seen through a different lens…that of love…

Laughing at Our Own Canvas

Laughing at our own canvas…sacred space unravels.~Ani Po

Our own non-attachment to how we think or feel any given moment should be, allowing reality to co-create effortlessly through present moment, gives birth to syncrosensational.

Witnessing, sharing in experiences, giving freely of ourselves…adjoining physical and spiritual…until the Canvas of Life is a mirrors thought and action.

What we thought real remains a mystery, what was mystery now truth be told. So rigid we were in a belief having no boundaries. Shattering these boundaries…laughing once more…