The Dance of Dusk to Dawn

Buzz, Buzz…kissing the reds and the yellows.

Buzz, Buzz…sharing the sweetness as we go.

Chirp, Chirp…singing for all to hear.

Chirp, Chirp…healing, allowing others to cheer.

Wisp, Wisp…fluttering passed my soul.

Whisp, Whisp…dancing from one heart to foal.

Blink, Blink…and it is gone.

Blink, Blink…the dance from dusk to dawn…Ani Po

Painting Mysteries of the Nighttime Skies

Look to me, Wish upon me.

Our deepest secrets exist among our relations.

Sit quietly, get lost in our arms.

Letting it all drift into the night, breathe deeply as we renew reality.

Forever changing…blink…gone.

This moment…is only existence of our ever-presented love.

Think not about yesterday, gaze not into the future.

This moment holds the key, unlock its gentle kisses upon the universe.

For our people are your people, learn and grow with them.

It is ‘I’ who speaks, but ‘WE’ that listens.

For in the stars…gazing in its mystery…our story unfolds.

Night into day, year after year.

Stepping into the Canvas painting mysteries of nighttime skies. Losing ourselves in the stars, finding similarity within our days…Ani Po