Diving Deeper

Poetry| Healing

Diving Deeper

Into the unknown

Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Unsplash

Whether words of simplicity,
Or frivolous, just the same.

An invite, for all, remains,
Diving deeper into self.

Like words on paper,
Or written upon one’s heart.

Dive deeper,
Into the soul,
of all there ever was.

Healing the world,
An intimate look at all there is,
Melodies whisper on.

Connect with you,
Connect with me.

So are we.

~ Ani Po

Thank you Marilyn Glover, and the whole Third-Eye-Ascension family for holding this sacred space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Note: still working on getting my underwater camera to work. Wit many technical difficulties, I am beginning to wonder if those moments are just for me. 

Merely a Pencil

Take me into hand,

Share deepest desire.


Writing new chapter.

Painting new reality,

Merely a pencil.

Taken without thought,

Left unattended.

Stirred emotions come forth,

Projections of all sorts.

Freely I give myself,

Conversation engagement.

Take care,

In my presence.

Together writing wrongs,

Painting rights.

Sharing an infinite possibility,

The All in All.

Forget me not,

Where my heart sleeps.

Rendezvous by day or night,


Writing new chapter.

Painting new reality,

Merely a pencil.

~Ani Po