Setting Sail

Setting Sail

Keeping sight of the Horizon

Picture taken by Author

Oh, the murky waters of an unsettled soul — once clear, now clashing with the tides of torturing waves. Brown as the mud — awaiting frozen banks — contrasting with Horizon’s greyed-out memories of distant shores.

Frozen in time — before the solid waters return — precipitous thoughts clash in the bay across the thoroughfare.

Though I have not seen the sun shining since weeks thrice arrival — the light remains bright — filled with joy amidst the clouded firmament. Alone in the literal sense — far from solitary confinement — the door remains open.

Filling an imaginary vault — paradoxical greenery of once present flowering buds — entering a contemplative garden of possibilities. Yet, out there on the open waters — a single captain keeping a steady hand — helm at twelve o’clock heading into Eastern banks.

Northern skies blanketing awareness — carving through like foggy days — trusting intuitive voices whispered into hearts calling home. Keeping sight on the Horizon — shortened view — hopeful, maybe a bit credulous — a knowing beyond certainty — presenting a visionary tale.

Awakening from hearts eternal slumber — snapping fingers calling to nature’s beat — rocking back and forth to flowing of Chequamegon Bay. Irregulate — chaotic voices all around — returning to centered regulated heart-strings pulling.

The swell — finding the way — setting course to open ports. Fear itself — companions swabbing decks below — Captain Setting Sail.
~ Ani Po

Thank you, Zay Pareltheon, Viraji Ogodapola, Marilyn J Wolf, and all the Screech of The Howling Owl.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Nature’s Decay

Poetry| Moving on

Nature’s Decay

No Longer

Photo by Den Cops on Unsplash

Forward here
devilish feverish
jumping down my throat, vomit I did
failed to see who you are
no Longer.

Regurgitating thought
darkness, shadowy embrace
light tunneling in
sparks, heart-pumping transmission

Eloquent birth
brightness glaring blindness
standing firmly, solid ground
pitied soul, a silent blessing to
wishing you well, walking on.

Chapter book
filled with antagonizing song
the emergence of fiery truth
walking on
wishing you well.

Now here
flame ablaze
eyes glistening
once again, erstwhile form
eyes twinkle.

Much gratitude
feverish devilish
true essence
natured decaying
no longer.

~Ani Po

Thank you Zay Pareltheon, Marilyn J Wolf, Viraji Ogodapola, and the whole Howling Owl community for keeping the flow of hooter’s quo.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash