Falling into the Canvas

It is not enough to take part in the Canvas of Life, but more important to fall into the canvas with whole heart and soul. What does it mean to fall into the canvas? It means not just stepping into the canvas while actively participating in the canvas, but being and active participant with continuous intention of actively participating in the canvas AND creating the life that is most Desired while enjoying every aspect of the canvas.

From the darkened clouds painted on the canvas to the neon fluorescent and radiating colors, we are to create the lives as we choose not as others choose. Whenever a painter paints it is through his own interpretation of the Universe, but when others analyze His work they attach their own interpretation.

If we only see one side of the painting, we miss the creator’s intent. See the beauty of all the varying colors/varying interpretations and lose yourself in the many mysteries that lay before you in the canvas.

Where does one begin? Put down the blackberry. Hang up the cellphone. Stop texting for moment. Just sit and ‘be’ for a moment, allowing the true nature to fill your soul. Can’t do it?! Then take a weekend and spend some needed time in the woods. Maybe it is time for a retreat?!

It is about taking time to enjoy the beauty of nature…returning back to Mother Earth and being one. Many will oppose this idea, but eventually will need some necessary downtime or as I like to call it…’Me Time.’ during this me time is the one way we can bridge the gap between us and the Universe.

Stepping Into the Canvas choose to fall into it with whole heart and soul. Lend a hand, an ear or a friendly smile. Do what you want today not what others say ‘you should’ do. Stay away from the trap of pleasing others, but please only yourself. Today I will not only step, but will fall into the canvas.

Rainbow Warriors

In the morning of our lives we begin our journey as a Pilgrim, searching for something that we cannot explain. No specific path, just aimlessly across the Canvas set by our Creator. Some will take note of the many colors or different scenery, but the majority remain ‘too busy’ to notice what is truly going on around them.

While they are rushing off to meet their deadlines, they forget to stop and smell the roses or lend a hand to those in need. Instead they often wonder “What about me?” With a sense of entitlement, they begin crushing the roses instead of enjoying them.

The majority subscribe to whatever the masses are feeding them. They join a specific religious group are subscribe to a specific political party, in hopes of finding that magical cure for what is missing deep inside their soul. What is missing? What are we all looking for?

We are all looking for the same thing, but fail to see how easy it is to get it. In order to find this missing piece, to our own puzzle, we need only look within, making a conscious effort to changing our beliefs towards Happiness. We wander until one day we come to a crossroad in our lives or a bridge from the morning of our lives to the afternoon of our lives. Carl Jung discussed that we all reflect on what we did in the morning of our lives and shift towards giving back to humanity. Those who make the shift will find happiness, but those who choose to fight, who we truly are, will remain miserable until their day’s end.

In the afternoon of our lives, those who make the shift enter the path of  a Warrior, standing for what they believe and doing whatever it takes to preserve life in the name of Love and Peace. Those elite Warriors no longer subscribe to falsehoods taught to them, but instead return to the way it was before the beginning and emit only Love. These Warriors are not to be mistaken for savages, but instead are Keepers of Peace. Instead of wondering about what is in it for self, they look for ways to serve their fellow Brothers and Sisters.

While the Pilgrim only sees Himself as the most important being on this planet, the Warrior sees Herself as One with all of Humanity. He does whatever it takes to shine, but She does whatever it takes to get others to Shine.

Are you the Pilgrim still searching to fill a void in your life or are the Warrior who has found the true self?
