Changing Perspectives: Going From Can’t To Can

If all we know is all we know, that is all we will ever know…unless of course we open the possibilities to change. Imagine living in a small town thinking that this is the only way to live, only to visit or move to another city, experiencing a whole different world.

This happens not only in how we live, but in all aspects of life. With people born into a certain religious belief and theirs is the only way to live, gaining access to paradise. Truthfully there’s more than one way.

Is it the religion or the belief that gains access to paradise? This is to be determined by the self, not by any other person. We are told how to live, how to think and how to be, until one day we say ‘no more.’ It is on this day that we take life by the horns, living authentically as the self. No longer subscribing to this or that, but subscribing to ourselves…Living a Syncrosensational  Life.

It is at this moment in time our construct cracks open, open wide. Our boundaries expand and our perspectives change. From can’t to can, we begin to create a life we were meant to live. From can’t to can, is not easy. I say this because all pilgrims before me stand in their confines of previous beliefs, having all been afraid to take the first steps.

It is the first step that is the most frightening, but most liberating. We’ve been told that to think differently than what the 99% believes, is blasphemy. To think that we can create the life that we dream of, considered absurd by many. This I say to you … This is true and we can create a life of happiness!

Until we take that first step out of the ordinary…we shall never know extraordinary. Imagine it’s not really a religion, but the belief that gains access to paradise. Whether Christian, Muslim, or Jew we all come from the same tree of life. The time has come to unite as one. Not on a global sense, but on an individual level.

As we learn oneness on an individual basis, it stretches globally as one. There are no things impossible in this world. Going from first person singular, two third person singular… I becomes we. It is not the self that can do all things, but the self in all things that can do these things. It is the ‘I’ as in ‘we’ that we can do all things. We are a part of the collective whole, and we can create the life intended for us. Why not start now?

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.~Marcus Aurelius

There are many excuses that keep us from taking these first steps: “I don’t have time, I don’t know where to begin, I just can’t.” All of these are roadblocks of self-sabotage to the self. Make some time, know that you can…through taking the first step. It is that simple.

If it is time that you need, then ask a friend or a loved one to help. Take one day out of the week, have someone watch the kids and block some sacred ‘me’ time, allowing yourself to take that first step. Whether it’s time to think, time to act, or just time to be…whatever the case, it is necessary to take that ‘me’ time. Schedule some time during the week: maybe its 20 minutes a day; maybe it’s a one hour block during the week…whatever the case schedule some time now.

If the fact remains we are stuck not knowing where to go, then it is time to paint a new vision board per se. Whether it is writing it down or painting a new Canvas, the process of visually and concretely writing into stone, allow us to re-wire our thinking, changing our road-map to life. What is it that you want? What will make you happy? These are pilgrims questions as to what our lives need most to create happiness. Find the answers, write them down…and soon you shall join other warriors Stepping assertively into the Canvas.

If the belief that one ‘cannot do it,’ then it is time to take a leap of faith. Without faith, we may never find hope. Without hope, we may never find our bliss. I once read a book on management skills and it said, “fake it until you make it.” It does not suggest that we live a false life, but encourages us to find what we want and begin the motions of living the process until it becomes a daily, unconscious, thought. Call on friends, call on source…if you are stuck…call someone. We can do ‘all things’ through Him. Him is reference to God, Allah, Source, Universal Life Force or The Way…it just IS. With our willingness to take the first step, we take a leap of faith…traveling the Warrior’s Path.

When we focus on what we want in life, we are sure to receive it. Unfortunately for some, they still focus on what they least desire…the universe knows no difference. Where the attention goes, the energy flows. Remain focused on what you don’t want and the universe will give you more of what you do not want. Changing your thoughts to that of what you do want, the universe delivers every time.

Stepping into the Canvas as a New Day. Whatever the past have painted or whatever the future may hold, make today the best day ever. On this day…may your thoughts be on that which you most desire. Remaining focused on your dreams, the universe conspires in your favor, re-aligning the collective whole so that it may be so. With intent setting your course, aligning with a universal life force…making it so…taking us from Can’t to Can.


The Road To Self-Mastery: Taking a Shortcut

The road to self-mastery can be short or long, depending on the psyche of an individual. The choices we make can alter this pathway to paradise. In many traditions it is said, “we need only Christ-Consciousness or Buddha-Consciousness to find everlasting life.” Translating this…”if we think it, know it and believe it to be true…It shall be So.”


The longer journey is uncertainty or doubt. When we doubt ourselves, building walls of self-sabotage, our journey to self-mastery is longer. Whether we master the piano, sports, or whatever, it is through these facets or catalysts that we find self-mastery. In Buddhist traditions it is called ‘our practice.’ Through mindful-meditation throughout our daily activities, we find balance within all we do.

It is not necessarily the games we play, food we cook, friends we have, or materials gained, but merely self-realization. When we come to the realization that we are all of the above… Our boundaries dissolve, expanding our field of energy to the infinite.

My personal story, through various martial arts, continued for over 25 years. It wasn’t about mastering martial arts, but about mastering myself. The martial arts became a catalyst to that which was sought.

A few years back when I was invited into a Master’s program at a martial arts school, I declined… Boldly stating I no longer need the paper to show who I am. This was not intended to be disrespectful or arrogant, but merely stating “the piece of paper was no longer of interest to me.” Not focused on the piece of paper, I am left merely with The Way of travel. My training does not confined in a ring or in a Dojo, my training is out there in the streets. Not sure if the master understood, either way he politely smiled while I went on my way.

Thinking back to the scenario I would have loved to join the program not to get the piece of paper but to continue my training. While my training is continuous, there is something magical that takes place in a quiet room where our practice takes place. For I know that the training inside that room aids me in the training outside in the streets.

It’s not about training for the physical or brawn; it’s about training the brain and the soul.~Muhammad Yusef

Again, when we come to a place of self-mastery… where we no longer need this and we no longer need that…we merely trust in the guidance of self and the voice carried by wind.~Ani Po

So whether we choose the long course of self-doubt or the shortened course of self-actualization, either way we come to a place of self-mastery. While for some the journey is long and difficult, for others it is short and blissful. No path is ever the same and what works for one does not work for the other. The key to our journey of life, is enjoying every moment along the way.

Stepping Into The Canvas of Self-mastery. Whether pain and misery fill our days or peace and Love, we have the ability to live happily ever after. Whether we believe in infinite possibilities or limited beliefs of the self…eventually we come to a place of infinite possibilities. Why not accept them now? The key to our happiness is finding it in the ‘here and now,’ while we are still young enough to enjoy the fruits The Canvas of Life has to offer. The time is now…