
Stuck in a bad circumstance? Still in the dark? Sit and contemplate what you want and begin aligning your thoughts with what you want.

If our thoughts are aligned with what we don’t want, then that is all we will attract into our lives. See what you want, feel it in your bones, then act accordingly as it is already on its way. Self-defeating thoughts will continue to irk you into thinking it is not attainable…let go of those thoughts and embrace a new memory of, “I know that things are continuously changing for the better.”

“Anything that stops you or diverts you from reaching your goals and dreams is an excuse!”~Michael Bloxton

The excuses will inevitably creep in, or try too, don’t give in…stay the course and see the world as you see fit. Anytime someone says, “yeah, that sounds great in all, but you don’t know what I am going through.” I inadvertently will ask them, “How’s your practice?” Excuse me? “Yes, how’s your practice? Are you practicing new thought processes, that will align you with what you truly want?” Sadly the response is often the same, “That stuff doesn’t really work.” They are correct whether they believe it does or it does not for that is the memory engrained into their thought process. The formula to success  is the same for all people and any given situation…You have to see it to believe it!

The canvas of life is not meant to be lived in misery, but instead enjoyed to the fullest. Step into the Canvas with a new attitude, “My life is going to be different from this day forward and I am the Master of my fate.” Choose to be happy…I dare you!

Inspiring Woman
