From Broken To Wholeness

In the morning of our Lives, we vicariously live through the collective consciousness of the greater whole. Until we come to a point where our contemplation becomes to great to miss. Somewhere between the morning of our lives and afternoon of our lives we contemplate our very existence, wishing, hoping for a better life. Sadly their are those who never stop to think of how they got to the current status, viciously breaking down the heart of the soul.

Those who continue to live vicariously for the greater whole, live in misery until their last breath. Those who declare enough, contemplating their next chapter in life, chances are they will find what they are looking for…chances are they will find true happiness. True happiness is that which comes from nothing else but the notion that all is good. True happiness comes from being as authentic as authentic will allow.

Being open to one’s true self, takes courage…for once you step onto the path of Warrior…everyone, even family, will declare you insane. Sadly, those who do the finger-pointing are still within the false self…sheltered by a collective conscious of the greater whole. Take a good look at the greater whole…how is that consciousness working out? Thankfully, those who are reading this have changed their thought process to that of self-actualization.

Through self-realization, we come to a place of caring not of what others may think, or say, or do…we come to a place of pure happiness. In happiness we are freed of self-judgment, freeing us from judging others. When a street person asks for money, we instinctively give what we can. Questioning not of what the money will be spent on, but merely to satisfy a need of another human being.

Ani Po emerges, from the movies, with her two children and are met by Terry, a pan handler looking for money. Does it matter if it’s for beer, food, or medicine? What matters is…Terri needed something and Ani Po, with her children, had what he needed…no strings attached. As the street-person began telling Ani Po why he needed money, Ani Po interrupted him, “I do not need to know. I just need to know how much you need. If it is within my ability, I will give what you need.”

How often do we, as humans, expect to teach someone a lesson of life by forcing our beliefs onto another? As hard as it may be, we must not attach expectations when assisting another. What is that they want? Do we have what they need? Can I part with it? If the answer is yes to these questions, then why not offer it up?

Our basic needs are this: food, water, shelter. While many of us have these basic needs, there are many who struggle for these to be met. There rest of the masses still seek safety, a sense of belonging and self-esteem. Many will find these, but sadly there are those who will remain in the dark until that last breath. To reach self-actualization, one most pass the basic needs with a knowing that All is Good.

We have all shed blood,

now we must come together,

mending a broken heart.

~Ani Po

This broken heart…is our own. How do we fix that which has been broken? One can merely accept it…and they live happily ever-after or they chip away at the excess placed for their entire lives. Chipping away the excess may be difficult and may need special tools or they need only move forward in Love. Through willingness and intent, we can begin taking necessary steps and take necessary actions towards change.

Change our thoughts, Change our Life.

~Wayne Dyer

It is through our thoughts of intention that our lives shall surely change forever. Our intent must be focused merely on what we want…and not what we do not. First, accepting who we are and loving every step that has led to the now, we come to a place of self-love, self-peace and self-actualization. We must learn to feel comfortable once again, in our own skin. We must feel comfortable alone with ourselves. We must…Breathe.

“It is of practical value to learn to like yourself.

Since you must spend so much time with yourself

you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship.”

~ Norman Vincent Peale

Stepping into the Canvas afraid and broken. Give ourselves permission to be broken, only to seek wholeness once more. It is through our broken-ness that we shall find wholeness; through our darkness, we shall find Light; from nothing, we find everything. Accepting the broken, we are on the fast-track to being of mend. Let go of the guilt, the baggage of yesterday…grab onto an awe-inspired life…grab onto Love.

With my own two, I paint the Canvas to fit my needs.~Ani Po

When Push Comes To Shove, Ani Po Sheds Light

If our reality is filled with unfriendly people, then we must take steps to clear the Canvas of Life of its misery. Life is not meant to be miserable, but wonderful…filled with mystery and awe. But there are times people will suck all the fun out of every possible awe-inspiring moment we see.

The urban dictionary would call these people bantagonists (one who sucks the fun out of any given situation). These bantagonists know one way to live…negatively. They are the pessimists, antagonists and down right mean people. Some can be ignored, some can be taught how to live positively, but often times their reality only allows them to live what they know.

While some, we can work with or live with, some bantagonists shall reap what they have sown. They harvest their own negativity and receive more negativity into their lives. We can, often times, work with these people by diffusing the situation. But, there comes a time when all that is needed is a swift kick in the pants. i.e. a marriage that goes sour and the husband becomes very bitter, negative and even abusive. It is the abusive behavior that is not acceptable. We can either seek professional help or we can stand firmly in peace and Love, declaring their negativity is no longer needed.

The victims of abuse have only a few options, but sadly are afraid to take action. They can either just pack and leave, tell authorities or stand their ground, firmly facing their abuser.

Ani Po is confronted by an unfriendly. Trying to defuse the heated situation to no avail, she is left to defend herself, but not without a lesson….When push comes to shove, Ani Po sheds Light on a darkened region…


Her enemy strikes once, but Ani Po counters with 3 lightning blows. One to the groin, one to the solar plexus and the other to the throat. Witnessing her actions, a student inquires about her actions and technique. Ani Po explains…”I struck with a ridge hand to the throat to stop him from telling his self-defeating story, a punch to the solar plexus to stop the beat of hatred, and finally the groin to stop any future generations from being raised on anger. Majority of the time, we are to spread Love…but then in extreme circumstances we give them an opportunity to meet their Karma.”


Often times we are confronted by a person filled with anger. We can choose to ignore them, offer them other perspectives or we can teach them a valuable lesson. It is not necessary to revert to the third option as the first, for the laws of karma will take care of these lessons for you. However, in the event we are faced with a confrontation and left defending ourselves, we must act swiftly without regrets. When acting…may it always be in the name of Love.

How people treat you is their karma,

how you react is yours.

~Wayne Dyer

I do not promote violence in any way, in fact it was my son who reminded me of the lessons of Christ…turn the other cheek. My son was assaulted at school, by a child he clearly could have beaten up, but he chose to receive a beating. When I asked him why he didn’t defend himself, he stated “it would be abusing my gifts.” Allowing this to sink, I learned a valuable lesson. However, there are times when one must react with authority or be the catalyst of Karmic Destiny and must defend themselves.

What we put into the Canvas of Life,

we shall receive in tenfold.

~Ani Po

Stepping into the Canvas Justly. Treating others with compassion, evading hostility when at all possible. Excusing oneself to a calmer area, stepping out for a breath of fresh air…whichever the choice may it be in loving kindness. In the end we have our own Karmic Destiny and they have theirs…sooner or later they shall be judged. Stepping into the Canvas Justly So…enjoying all it has to offer and knowing that you are on purpose!