Why You Gotta Be So Mean?

Have you ever met a person who is just down right mean to every person they meet? Chances are you have. We can choose to follow in these footsteps and/or remain in the shadows of those meanies (word adopted from one of my god children as he spoke of meanies on his favorite Riverdance show). We can also rise up from this unpleasant place, entering into a world of pure happiness. We are not meant to be miserable in life. If those others choose to remain there…in misery…that is their choice, not yours. Their reality does not have to paint yours.

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.

~Wayne W. Dyer

Being open to a new thought process, a process of Love and Peace, allowing us to find something far greater than we ever imagined. In these thoughts of Love and Peace we are creating a life of endless possibilities. Remain in the field of negativity and that is where you will remain. Step into the fields of Positivity and the world will know your name.

Ani Po experiences the negative sort quite often, but is well guarded in this art of misery. During a given encounter, Ani Po gave notice to a recent employer. It was not easy to do as it was, but when she sent words of apology towards an individual, as she felt a bit of guilt in letting her and the team down, she was met with some shocking words. Instead of words of encouragement, Ani Po was met with words of bitterness and hate. She was kicked in the shins with the other person’s words.

Ani Po is not always sure if the other person intentionally knew she was being cruel or if that is all they know. One persons reality can be so tainted in hate, that their reality is just that…filled with hate. Instead of giving that person a lesson in virtue, Ani Po quietly spoke under her breath, “Forgive them Father…for they Know not what they do.”

How often have you met a person like this? Do you dare speak up or what is true? or do you quietly bless them, knowing that the Laws of Karma will take its due course? Whatever the case, it is our best interest to stand tall, no matter what, remaining true to ourselves and protecting ourselves from harms way. How do we protect ourselves?

There are many ways and are accessible at any time: We can call on Angels to protect us…Archangel Michael, Raphael, etc.; We can call on our ancestors before us…Fathers, Grandfathers before us; We can also call on the Great I Am. We are never alone and there is always help available…sometimes the best medicine is merely talking to a close friend (Angels of the flesh)… getting it off our chest. Whatever way works for you apply this, but do not allow the other person’s negativity to affect your day. Their negativity is not your cup of tea anyway. You would rather have a cup of Agape Tea…why not pour a cup now?

My creed is this:  The place to be happy is here. 

The time to be happy is now.  The way to be happy is to make others so.

~Robert Ingersoll

Stepping into the Canvas with Agape in our Heart. This unconditional Love that carries us throughout our day will continue to pour onto those we encounter. The Tea served, will no longer be of Hate, Lust or Fear. No. The only Tea served is that of Love, Peace and Hope. Would you care to join me in a nice warm cup of Agape Tea?


The Irony of Man

The Irony of Man is not a new problem, but a repeating cyclical behavior passed down from generation to generation. Aristophanes referred to this as eiron, Greek word for Irony, and applied its usage to any shady or annoying characters. The Irony in itself was that Aristophanes himself was a ‘jokester’ and often annoyed others within his time. Classic case of projecting shadows onto another.
Carl Jung proved the shadow effect to be that of projection of oneself onto another: In some cases we see positive in another, wishing we could be more like them; In others we see negative aspects of ourselves we do not care for, commenting on them as “Ironic” or as Aristophanes called annoying. The first example is self-explanatory as we want to be more like that which we desire to become, thereby causing a natural gravitational pull towards positive people in our lives. The second is not so apparent.
Our thoughts and attitudes need persistent training
in a world so intent on convincing us that we are who we are not
and that we are not who, in fact, we are.
~Debbie Ford
While projecting Shadows, we not only display judgment through bitterness but also express malicious verbal accusations of another. Failing to realize we are merely looking into the mirror with our own reflection projecting onto others, we find disgust with not just them but subconsciously ourselves. Those who remain in their own shadows either stay in darkness or turn towards the light.
We can chase our shadows of doubt
or we can turn our attention towards the source of Light,
leaving our shadows behind us for ever.
Our shadows have ability to shine brightly, as the source of Light, through which awareness and mindfulness is achieved. Remain in the shadows and that is where we remain. Turning attention towards source energy, we receive lessons of acceptance for all (you, me, he, she, we, they). Acceptance for all ironies of life, finding humor in the ironic behavior of man.
Isn’t it ironic that we pay for gym memberships when we could easily walk outside, getting more fresh air, vitamin D and an over-whelming feeling of well-being? We pay for ‘Coaches’ to tell us how to live, when we need only sit and ponder our lives. We want to get healthier but are unwilling to make changes in diets or lifestyles, instead paying someone to keep us on track. We have known health issues, but fail to change our ways…further paying someone to aid us with our health…usually in the form of a convenient pill. Our lives are filled with ironies.
Is it a case of laziness or subscribing in a belief of doing something every moment, forgetting to reconnect with the Canvas of Life. The Canvas of Life has no rules, but has consequences. We can choose to take our time while painting our canvas or we can rush through it, splattering paint everywhere with little care in how it falls. One can yield a peaceful, tranquil moment while embracing the Canvas and the other yields chaos, angst often misery. Misery brought on by deadlines and timelines…always living for the clock… missing the beauty provided by the Canvas.
While our moments may not always be what we expect them to be, it can be enjoyable no matter what. The Irony of Man does not have to complete the cycle anymore. We can actually break the cycle of Irony and begin a new cycle. A cycle that includes awareness, forgiveness, gratitude and Love. Wait no longer…change our worldly view. Turn from the shadows of darkness and turn towards the light.
If all we have in our hearts is Love,
there can be room for nothing else.
While the Pilgrim subscribes to the Irony of Man allowing the cycle to continue in his lineage, the Warrior (Ani Po) subscribes to a new irony…one of serendipity. On a personal level it can change with a single thought. On a global level, same thought. We find in ourselves, and in others, that not one human being is perfect. In this recognition we find perfection in all the imperfections.
Stepping into the Canvas serendipitously. With every step, every thought…may it be aligned with the seven generations. With our ability to alter the cycles, we align our thoughts with that of source energy. Focusing on our shadow, we remain in darkness: focusing on Light, we Shine On into another day. Shine On!