The Fragrance of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is often discussed but rarely observed. It is singular or plural and the acceptance that we are not perfect. It may have different names: self-forgiveness or forgiving others. We can be asked to be forgiven or we can ask for forgiveness. Through forgiveness, we emit only Love.

Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.”

~Mark Twain

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

~Mahatma Ghandi

The Bible says, “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you (Colossians 3:13).” Recently confronting someone on this matter, they just made excuses not forgiving them, “Oh, I can’t. If you knew what they did to me you couldn’t either.” Asking this same person why they don’t try, they come up with another excuse “because nobody’s perfect and we all fall short.”  While this is true we are not perfect this does not mean we couldn’t try to be more Christ-like. It is my humble opinion that most feel there is no use in trying because there is no physical evidence they will be “saved,” but rely heavily on faith. “Trust by Faith, that God will take care of all your worries (Philippians 1:6).”

The Qur’an says, “Hold forgiveness, command what is right, and turn away from the ignorant Qur’an 7:199).” Just as the Bible promises God taking care of are worries, the Qur’an makes similar claims, “But if someone is steadfast and forgives, that is the most resolute course to follow (Qur’an 42:43).”

The Bhagavad-Gita says: “Intelligence, knowledge, freedom from doubt and delusion, forgiveness, truthfulness, control of the senses, control of the mind, happiness and distress, birth, death, fear, fearlessness, nonviolence, equanimity, satisfaction, austerity, charity, fame and infamy — all these various qualities of living beings are created by Me alone (Verse 10 4-5).”

Many traditions preach forgiveness but remain non-practicing. Why? It is my humble opinion they are shrouded by their own shadow, project it onto others around them. Carl Jung often discussed “The Shadow is the easiest of the archetypes for most persons to experience. We tend to see it in “others.” That is to say, we project our dark side onto others and thus interpret them as “enemies” or as “exotic” presences that fascinate”.

While projecting outwards we find it difficult to forgive the other person as we see their behavior as inexcusable. The truth of the matter is we need only look within for the answer to this dilemma. Carl Jung refers to self-actualized people as being able to let things go, finding it easier to forgive the self and projecting forgiveness onto others.

None of us are perfect so why do we judge people so harshly? Is it up to us to judge them anyways? Or is judgment reserved for an end of days? Regardless of when judgment will come we can choose to forgive not just ourselves, but the people around us. Jesus said it best, “Forgive them Father for they no not what they do.”

Stepping into the Canvas with a taste for Love, projecting only that which I hunger for most. Filling my palette with a rainbow of colors preparing a scenery of Love, forgiving those who trespass against me. Today I will practice forgiveness and project only Love. If all I have is room for Love in my heart, then I will have room for nothing else.

Come in Tokyo

When I was a teen, a close friend and I would isolate ourselves on the playground and “tune in.” We could be heard making radio sounds and yelling “Come in Tokyo.” Not knowing what we were doing and thinking we were strange, the other kids left us alone. We were both a couple of kids going through our first set of life changes, with deepened voice and hairy armpits around the corner.

Still in our innocence, we pretended to tune into a higher plane of consciousness. Having no idea what this meant we would soon lose our innocence and our means of connecting with our higher selves. The next twenty years would prove up and down…until one day…a voice would speak. This voice spoke with much authority and I trembled at His tone. The voice told me to “Sell my cleverness and Purchase bewilderment (Rumi).” Suddenly a light went on as If I were in darkness for the past thirty-five years. This voice spoke once more…”You can choose to be happy or you can choose to remain in sadness. The choice is yours and yours alone. Whichever you choose, that is where you will remain.”

I surely do not want stay in darkness and no longer enjoy the up and down swing of this ride…yes…I choose Happy. How do I get there?

“Just choose happy: Be happy, surround yourself with happy people, do whatever makes you happy, and for goodness sakes let go of those self-defeating thoughts!”

How do I get rid of the negative thoughts?

“Simply replace them with positive thoughts. It really isn’t that difficult. Whatever you are thinking, ask yourself does this make me feel good? If not, then find a replacement thought that does.”

This sounds to easy.

“It is! It is that easy. Remember that book you read about Management Today? It mentioned it to you, but you missed the message…If you can’t make it…fake it until you can make it. All those self-help people talking about positive affirmations…why do you think they do it? They are retraining their brain to Make It!”

So, you are saying I will be retraining my brain? How will I do that?

“As you rewire thinking with positive thoughts, neurofibers make new connections emitting more positive thoughts. The neuroplasticity of your brain allows remapping to commence.”

So what do I do? Do I ignore this voice? No way. In the past, anytime I ignored this voice, pain was sure to follow. According to this voice it was my psycho-somatic response, to my self-defeating beliefs, which caused me pain. I choose Happiness…and I will fake it until I make it!

That was several years ago and can truthfully say that I have made it. Where am I? I am here…and the journey has just begun.

Are you stuck in between thoughts? Do you have a desire to make changes in your life? Then I double-dog dare you to make the change! Fake it until you make if need be, but take that first step towards happiness. IT ALL BEGINS WITH A SINGLE THOUGHT.

Knowing what I know, I invite you to tune into this frequency. This frequency will give you everything that you desire and will turn the simplest of music into a full orchestrated symphony. Tune in, listen to that voice and trust that all will be good…It will never let you down!

“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project,

all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations,

your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great,

and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive,

and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far that you ever dreamed yourself to be.”


Stepping into the Canvas letting go of the extra baggage that has weighed me down. Lighter and more vibrant, able to run freely shouting at the highest of mountains…I Am Free and I am Here! Today is my day! Say this with me and repeat this as necessary as often…”This is the day, the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118:24)!”