Tell Him your Plan

Ever have one of those days where you just didn’t know what to do? Or what you wanted to do and what actually transpires is far from expected? It can be pretty amusing if you think about it, as we try to stick to the “plan.” This weekend was one of those.

On Friday my intentions were to go a football game with my son and return home to clear my head, as I often do by writing. Often finding myself writing into the night, writing until I can’t keep my eyes open. This Friday did not present the opportunity to write, as if Universe had other things in mind. Submitting to this fact, I retired anticipating writing in the am.

Again, the Universe steps in and changes my plans. Spent the am running the kids to and fro, only to rush my son off to his football game where expected to work the chains on the sidelines. After a tough and grueling game I thought, “now’s my chance!” Again, universe speaks…and the night looked grim for writing. There is always Sunday…

So, it is Sunday andexhaustion sets in. My brain has shut down…the thought finally crossed my mind, “maybe I wasn’t supposed to write this weekend?!” I swear I amuse myself for being so stubborn…I should have seen this sooner, submitting to the fact that writing was not in the plan. This reminds me of a quote by Wayne Dyer, “want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.”

Do you ever find yourself getting frustrated by not being able to get what you want done? Maybe it is to analyze or discern whether that is something you should be doing vs. not?! In my case I learned that maybe I should have taken the weekend off, not worrying about my latest Stepping Into The Canvas Facebook page. The lesson learned: I will need to get even more creative with my time. Whatever the case, I did eventually go with the flow and when I did Universe answered, “It is time.” Now I don’t want to, as I am too tired.

While the Pilgrim worries about timing and scheduling throughout his day, he continuously gets disappointed when things do not go his way while occasionally manifesting physical pain. The Warrior however remains in the flow, allowing whatever happens at proper timing, never getting disappointed and avoiding any mental or physical strain.

Stepping into the Canvas…recognize the signs presented to you, knowing when to submit to the call of Universe. While it is healthy to plan your days ahead, it is healthier allowing them to change. Being in the flow, we will surely arrive right on time…

A Work in Progress

Have you ever wanted to do something in your life, but didn’t know where to begin? or possibly afraid of stepping out of the comfort zone? We all have this burning desire to do something that makes an impact in our lives. Some are fortunate to live the dream at any early age, but for many they will die without ever playing their music. Wayne Dyer often speaks, “Don’t Die with your Music still in you.”

It is my turn. Not knowing where I am going with this, I take the first steps. Feeling naked and vulnerable I move forward into the unknown. Most people do their due diligence and take years to research without ever lifting a finger towards their dream. Equipped with only the basics, I proceed forward…living the Dream.

Often times we set out on task not knowing the direction , but we have a result in mind…ever wonder in awe about how it got finished? When we establish the end result, the details automatically get filled in. The details are not necessarily filled in by our own works. See the end result but then trust that Universe will take care of the details…she always does.

I hope the writings on this blog inspire many, spark fire within others and help those lost be found once more. The messages will be raw and unfiltered (for now) and will grow into something that which I have not figured out. Waves of Gratitude and Love is sent to those who support me on my journey of life….and so it begins.

With only an idea in my back pocket and an intent in my Heart I set out on a journey of a lifetime, dropping seeds of Hope, Love and Peace…for I am a work in progress.