Taking a Break, Just Being

-Photo by Jeff Finley on Unsplash

There is an absence of thought, stillness centered in a void.

Comforted or restlessness, it is a learned presence being.

Practice or daily routine, available for all.

There is a natural ebb and flow of life, many are aware. Tapping in, allowing its flow. Like a season or a moment It Is as It was in the beginning, written upon the stars, received in Hearts true home.

Trapped in anothers reality or meditated centering, returning to All there Is. Like a sponge soaking up river of life, mud remains plastered on the outer flesh of its porous skin. Dipped into sacred waters, wrung out, shaken excess, returned to whence it came.

Quietude or nothingness within inner sanctum, holding space for Love’s pure light. No ‘thank you’ is what is said, travelers and transgressors of sorts. Remain therefor I Am, present be for That I Am.

Bowing now to shadow, projected upon the screen.

Old fashion drive-in movies, playing life’s mystery for thee to see.

Intermission, Another flick, message remains.



Ebb and Flow

Accepting the wholeness

We Are.

~Ani Po