A Christian, A Muslim and a Jew were all fighting over whose story is right and wrong. In the meantime a person of age falls before them. Weak, disoriented and in obvious distress, she collapses nearly right in front of them. The three totally missed the person in distress. While they were fighting over their “Daddy”, an Atheist walks up to aid the distressed woman. While the “Righteous” are busy trying to prove their case, there are those who prove righteousness.
Believers do not judge, do not harm…merely accept and Love as their Creator has intended. Go beyond the walls of religion and enter a place of pure Love…this is where my Daddy Lives. Go beyond the walls of labels and this is what remains…Agape.
Believers come from All Walks of life and all sectors of religion.
Believers are not all-exclusive, but All-Inclusive.
~Muhammad Yusuf
Stepping into the Canvas with awareness. As we step out today, beware of those who preach from a pulpit, telling you theirs is The Way…for it is not The Way. The Way is found by accepting a path of Love and all people for who they are…regardless of who they are or where they have been. Imperfectly perfect is what they are, different as different can be! With all the differences and imperfections, we find ourselves in the same pool of imperfections…seeing each other as perfect for who we are…Have a beautiful and Loving day!
The Way is not necessarily found on one’s lips,
but on the soles of their feet.
~Ani Po
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