The Buffalo Greets Ani Po

Often times we find ourselves unknowing of our heading and that is ok. These are the moments where our dreams are kept. In our downtime we contemplate our future, readjusting our footsteps going forward. If you feel stuck or do not know where to go, maybe it is time to take a mental retreat. Get away. Go somewhere without distractions and unplug from the mundane daily rituals. Maybe it is time to reinvent the self…

Ani Po discovers this first-hand as she discovers seclusion in a nestled cabin within the woods. Note: Ani Po is Hebrew for I Am Here. When we set out confidently, we declare I Am Here, owning whatever our situation or path.

At the beginning of her walk, still not knowing where she is going, darkness lay in front of her. She looks to her right…nothing. She looks to her left and is greeted by a Buffalo. Welcoming her, the buffalo signals her to a path…a path leading into great darkness. She knows this is the path she must take…this time she is unafraid. Ani Po understands the laws of the universe and knows it is through darkness, we find Light.  Without hesitation, she welcomes the invitation and enters the path of darkness.


Feeling that she is alone, she realizes she must venture further into the darkness. This time the woods are silent and her compass no longer works. Confused, with an edge of fear, lead her further into the unknown.


Last time on an adventure, such as this, Ani Po was greeted by spirits walking in the flesh…this time…nothing.


This time around, there is nothing but herself. Alone with her thoughts and emotions. As she continues walking, her eyes are caught by shadows. Shadows which instruct her to let go. Turning from left to right and right to left again, she begins to wonder what she is seeing out in the woods. She reminds herself to let go of her physical eyes and begins to feel a new sensory of sight begin. She steps one step more and realizes that what she feels…she is beginning to see. What was once unknown, became known to her. Ani Po paused for a moment, with a knowing of spirit being with her always. What she once saw, she does not and what she did not, she began to see.


Dissolving her own flesh, she steps into the spirit world where she is greeted by others waiting for her. She would not have been able to see them before, without first letting go of her physical presence within the physical world. As her flesh dissolves, she is shown a whole new world. A new world, which will light the way to many to come.


Reaching a desired spot, Ani Po rests. She sits down upon a rock, closes her eyes and ventures into a dark tunnel. Before her is a lodge of great illumination…she enters the lodge.  As she enters the lodge, Ani Po is greeted by an eternal light. She embraces this light, she is enveloped by the light…she becomes the light.


Sitting quietly, with her eyes closed, she passes into another world through another darkened tunnel. Emerging from this tunnel, she is back in the physical world or what she thought to be the real world. Before Ani Po declared her presence on this earth, she lived a life of fear, anger and misery. These emotions were her only reality. Her reality could not change without first letting go of what she thought to be real. Dissolving her own flesh, she dissolves the world around her. As many will continue to live in this misconstrued reality, she will forever walk in Light. Emerging from darkness, she embraces the Light.


Not knowing what was real or unreal, Ani Po chooses to remain in light. Seeing only good in darkened areas, she remains in light. Whether her going into darkness, traveling into spirit world was real, she remains true to her calling. She remains true to the spirit that guides her.


With a better understanding, she realizes her world is whatever she sees it as. If she wants peace, she sees peace. If she wants hate, shes sees only hate. It is with her own choice to see whatever she wants to see in this world. Fusing the spirit world with the physical world, she understands there is a very thin line between the two. Going too far into the spirit world, she may get lost; going to far into the physical world, she gets lost; remaining on a thin line, between both worlds, she finds totality.


For her entire life, she sought things of material just as the many pilgrims of today are convinced to do. Letting go of this belief system, she walks forever in spirit, taking only what she needs…remaining in happiness. Through her own eyes of spirit, she creates the life she dreamed of; through her own eyes of spirit, she attains all she needs to live life to the fullest. As she comes to her own self-realization, she is greeted by great spirit and she knows that she is home.


With her hair standing tall and a flush feeling going through her being, she is attached to All Their Is. It is not enough to walk within the Canvas, but a necessity to embrace the whole Canvas without judgment. No judgment, no pain, no fear, the Canvas displays brighter colors…brighter than ever before. Standing before the river of Love, she declares I AM here. Whether in the spiritual realm or in the physical plane, she is Ani Po.


The night draws near and Ani Po still hungers. Hunger not for little morsels of nourishment, but hunger for mana. What we seek in this world is what we shall receive. If we seek more truth, we shall receive the eternal. Finding what we seek, that is where we shall be.


Stepping into the Canvas with new eyes and new vision. With eyes of spirit, we find a new hope. A hope for a better way of life. Seeing with eyes of spirit, what was once troublesome, shall be our reward. If we continue to just go through the motions of life, we shall only be where everyone else is. If we choose to live according to our true self, continually renewing our vision, we shall remain in spirit for all eternity.