The Majority Vs. The Self

Recently, I went for a physical and was surprised by the results. While my cholesterol, heart rate, and blood pressure were all fine. Within normal ranges, I was told that I was obese. This was calculated by my height, weight and waist measurements.
As humbling as this was, I let it sit with me as I embraced the words they spoke. Embracing these words does not mean I accept them, but I allow them to just be. To classify me as obese means that they judge me and put me with everyone else under one bell curve.

I have never been one to follow a bell curve, but have been known to shift the bell curve. When I was in college I would often hear from the other students, “you’re just a bell curve wrecker.”
I can choose to accept this diagnosis of obesity, or I can realize that I have been working out for the past 10 years and I feel great. Granted I could shed maybe 5 to 10 pounds as I’m not perfect, but far from having to lose 40 pounds they told me to lose.
I smile as I accept the results, knowing that my blood work is normal, my heart rate is normal, and I feel good. Although stating that my heart rate and blood pressure is normal, puts me under the bell curve once again. Whatever the day may bring, whatever the judgment be, I listen to that voice within, allowing it to be my guiding light. I can choose to listen to the majority, with their bell curves, or I can listen to that voice within myself.


The irony to this story: the group doing my health assessment, told me to eat more dairy, more breads and pastas, and more oils. I currently eat a raw vegetarian diet. While nearly vegan, this group has told me to return eating the things that got me sick in the first place. I smiled, thanking them, and just went about my day.

Stepping into the canvas with confidence. With every step, may it be in confidence. Whatever the world may throw at you, do not let it deter you from who you are. As a spark of the divine with an inner voice, we are guided to share our light. Whether it be health issues, financial issues, or other issues, look not to the others for advice, but adapt and grow within the self. Go confidently today and declare… I am here.