In the morning of my life this song would sing to my soul, “This is the Day the Lord has Made. Let us rejoice and be Glad in it.” I would get a flush feeling every time I sang it, from my head to my feet. Now in the afternoon of my life, I attribute that to the Holy Spirit singing through me. Have you ever had a time when you just felt “good” all over? I mean really good. From your head to your feet, with a warm tingling over your skin and a knowing that ‘Life is Good.’ What is this feeling? For me, whenever I am right on time I feel it as God’s way of saying ‘You are on the right Track’ my son.
On this special day I reflect on the morning of my life, embracing the afternoon of my life. Without the morning, there would be no afternoon. I am grateful for both parts of my day…thank you! As I enter the afternoon of my life, this song takes on an even greater meaning. For today, “This is the Day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be Glad.”
Thank you for reading and sharing your reflections morning and afternoons of your life.
Much Love and may you know Peace Profound…Joseph