Walking on Sacred Ground

With every step kissing mother earth, we are walking on sacred ground.~Ani Po

This past week was an opportunity for friends to gather in peace and harmony. Gathering, we walked together, listened to stories told by one another. Once finding a special place next to a river, we began a deeper journey…deeper into self, deeper into the universe.

Music begins, the birds begin their song in unison. We listened to their echoing voices through the winds. In awe by the chorus all around…we just listened.

The key to our happiness is the allowing of self to ‘just be’ further allowing others to ‘just be.’ In our allowing, we begin a healing process known to us since beginning of time. Often in our alone time, but also present in the moment coming together with others, we allow ourselves to heal.

While we did just that, there were no words to describe our feelings…it just was. It is a blissful place of knowing that ‘all is good’ no matter the surroundings of our day. In that very moment of coming together as one, in unison, we sang with the birds. A song not sang with lips, but felt with the heart.

When ceremony concluded, my son built a towering rock formation. Surprised to see him build this structure, as I know what they symbolize…I just smiled in approval. Confirming this, a friend explains to my son what he just made “You made a prayer marker, marking a sacred site.”

All smiling now, my son glowing with pride, we knew we were on sacred ground. The truth is we are all walking on sacred ground, but marking it as such or taking the time to acknowledge the sacredness of Mother Earth makes it much more meaningful. Maybe it is time for us all to take time to acknowledge the sacredness of this beautiful place we call home…

Walking on sacred ground